Copyright 2025 © Ara En Moviment
Diseñado con ♥︎ por / Designed with ♥ by Ruth C. Morata Gil
Plastic and Movement Artist, Gestalt Therapist, Educator.
Uma Maraval was born in Argentina. She spends her childhood and adolescence in Menorca. She graduates at the Granada School of Art and years later she specializes in Art Therapy and Body Work. After several trips to South America (Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina) where she studies local dances, in 2005 she completes a training in Rebirthing in Argentina. Upon her return to Spain, she works as a Rebirthing Therapist for three years (2007 – 2010).
Since 2009 she researches, practices and disseminates Contact Improvisation, constantly exploring and opening spaces for this to take place.
In 2011 she studies contemporary dance at the TragantDansa school in Barcelona. At the same time, she delves into her pictorial work while facilitating courses and workshops for personal development through plastic and movement arts.
In 2016, together with Alba Raventós and Marina Fernández de Haro, she founds the Ara En Moviment association, where the first international festival for the arts of movement (Barcelona New Year Dance Festival) is organized. In 2017 the first edition of the summer festival (Barcelona Dance in Summer) is presented. Both events are held annually to date.
Since the early stages of the association, together with Alba Raventós and Adrià Sonet, she facilitates the residential training program, co-financed by Erasmus+, focused on somatic practices, movement and dance for educators who work with groups of adults and youngsters. To date, it has been held in Catalonia and in various European countries (Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia and France).
As a member of Colectivo Deria Rectificadora, she co-creates the piece Topless America (2017), a performance with a poetic-feminist spirit, shown at L’Estruch, Antic Teatre, Soma, Contemporanis de la Barceloneta, Asturias Contact Festival and MoveFest (Slovakia).
Nowadays, she offers regular intensive workshops on Contact and improvisation in Catalonia, hosts workshops in festivals and similar events. She works as a Gestalt therapist in individual consultation and also accompanies group processes, among them with women with whom she works through movement and the development of expressive and dynamic body techniques for stage creation.
Diseñado con ♥︎ por / Designed with ♥ by Ruth C. Morata Gil